Connect with us!

Drylands provide essential ecosystem services … as places for recreation, repositories of biodiversity, global carbon storage banks, and key nodes in Earth’s water and nutrient cycles. Please reach out to connect, ask questions, or schedule a visit to one of our research sites.



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To subscribe to our listserv:

  • Compose an email message to LISTSERV@LIST.UNM.EDU
  • Leave the subject line blank.
  • In the body of the message only enter the following "subscribe" command (replace Firstname and Lastname with your first name and last name):

subscribe SEVLTER-L Firstname Lastname

Note: The body of the message should contain only the subscribe command; delete any signatures or other characters before sending the message.

Join Slack

Our slack channel is geared toward engaging people that are new(ish) to the SEV-LTER, especially postdocs and students, but all are welcome and encouraged to participate. On this channel, we organize social events, answer rules and coding questions, and get to know each other better.

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